Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempus turpis nisi, eleifend laoreet ipsum rutrum eu. Vivamus lorem tellus, fermentum eu vulputate vitae, facilisis ut metus.

TYPO3 9.5 LTS - You're the one that I want
- Native URL Routing
- SEO features
- Redirects module
- Site Handling
- New Admin Panel
8.7 LTS
- Doctrine DBAL
- Image Cropping
- CKEditor
7.6 LTS
- Revamped TYPO3 backend
- Better performance and stability
- Improved media handling
6.2 LTS
- File Abstraction Layer rework
- Responsive Images
- Mobile Device Preview
4.5 LTS
- First LTS version
- UTF-8 and HTML5
- Rewritten Extension manager
- CSRF Protection
- Backend Redesign
- Simplified Installation
- HTML5 in frontend
- System Reports & Scheduler
- Caching Framework
- Security (Salt, RSA)
- GUI improvements
- Extended rich text editing
- Improvement of frontend login
- Improved page tree
- Introducing IRRE
- InnoDB support
- Introducing Workspaces
- Backend Redesign
- Multi-Language Support
- GraphicsMagick
- Frontend Search
This feature is part of the Bootstrap Package!
Bootstrap Package delivers a full configured frontend theme for TYPO3, based on the Bootstrap CSS Framework. The goal of this package is to give an advanced example of how modern templating in TYPO3 CMS can be handled nicely without depending on third party extensions.