Profimach-Jonsen Sander already offers a wide range of deburring machines. However we have developed a machine series and a brush to remove the oxide skin from laser-cut and oxy/plasma cut steel.
This brush is designed to be used with the Versatile series Planetary Rotary Barrel Brush machines, combining the excellent edge rounding and deburring results with the machine and includes the required oxide skin removal, from both the interior and exterior contours of the product.
Oxide removal
Automated oxide removal machine.
Oxide edge is a term used to describe the forming of Carbon oxide along the edges of parts usually as a result of laser cutting as gas is introduced during the thermal metal cutting process like plasma and laser cutting or welding.
If cutting with laser, many times it doesn't make financial sense to run the parts with nitrogen during the laser cutting process, given that the cost for nitrogen can be five to six times that of oxygen. Because oxygen adds thermal energy to the laser cutting process, high speeds can be achieved, but oxygen also leaves an oxide layer on the cut's surface, which affects the material's ability to be coated.
The laser cutting or plasma cutting processes create a carbon oxide scale which appears as a shiny blue/silver finish on and around the cut areas. This scale, which is loosely bonded to the part, prevents any proper future paint or powder coating adhesion. If this oxide scale is not properly removed, any paint finish applied will chip or flake off easily.
In fact, powder coating or wet paint actually adheres to the oxide layer quite nicely. Unfortunately, the oxide layer is not permanently affixed to the steel. If the coating is damaged while the component is in use, sections of the coating layer could flake off. This is particularly true if the product is used outdoors. Laser oxide scale must be properly removed prior to painting parts in order to produce a quality finished part.
If you are cutting via a CO2-laser with oxygen or with a FIBER laser with oxygen or air, the PRO Steel Versatile Series can remove fully automatic any oxide layers along the cutting edge of the material by using special oxyde brushes.
Welding oxide generated at welding of parts can also be removed easily with this machines as long the parts fit in the machine.
Offering the latest technology and operating from a single Supplier, Profimach provides expert laser oxide edge removal solutions to a variety of industries.

Oxide Edge Removal Capabilities by our Gyroscopic planetary rotating barrel brushes machines:
Working width max: 800/1000/1300 mm
Every model of our PSG-Versatile Series can be equipped with Oxide removalbe Brushes.
This brushes can be used in each position or only in few positions (always by pair)
Save up to 50% on your deburring cost with a Profimach oxide removal machine.
In one pass you will process all oxide contamination of your parts.
The Profimach PSG Versatile series oxide removal machine is ideal for laser cut parts and plasma cut parts.
One of the inherent problems presented by laser cutting with oxygen has always been the brittle oxide layer on the surface of the edges. To combat this issue, fabricators have switched to Nitrogen assist gas cutting. But, unfortunately, the extra cost and slower cutting speeds cut into your profits. With the Lissmac oxide removal machine you can eliminate nitrogen cutting of mild steel, switch back to oxygen cutting. You will reduce cost and increase cutting speeds. We have customers telling us they are justifying the machine on the reduced cost of nitrogen alone.
Cutting with Nitro versus Oxygen
Advantages of using a Profimach PSG Versatile series instead of cutting with nitrogen:
- Oxygen is much less expensive than nitrogen
- Savings of up to 30% or more using the Profimach PSG Versatile series machine
- Cutting speed of the laser can increase up to 25-30%, depending on the laser and the material thickness
So how does it work?
A total of 4/6 counteracting brushing Barrel Brushes units, moving in opposite directions, brush plates and sheets from all sides simultaneously.
- No more complaints and no more expensive rejections by your customers
- Reliable oxide removal in one pass on all edges of sheet and plate up to 20 mm
- No need to turn sheets over and run them through machine again
- All sharp edges are rounded slightly for even better paint adhesion
- Improved surface quality from removal of rust, scale and dirt
- Any protective oil film remains after processing
- Dry operation – all machines are dry in operation
- Infinitely variable feed speed to match the need
- Easy and safe operation with minimal maintenance
- Compact and modular construction (less space needed)
- Can be combined with other deburring/finishing units for additional deburring and edge radiusing